Youth and Old Age in a
Since 1941
The Princeton Nassoons have been singing around the world for dignitaries, school children, guests at The Greenbrier resort, packed houses at Carnegie Hall and the like, and many others. However, life as a Nassoon is anything but fleeting and extends far beyond the four undergraduate years and a graduation march through Fitzrandolph Gate.
70th Reunion Video from April 2010 featuring Jack Huyler '42
The Princeton Nassoons Alumni Association was formed to ensure a continued commitment to upholding traditions​:
Annual Dinner
Reunions Performance
Tie Ceremony for Undergraduate Seniors
Welcome Honorary Nassoons
Coordinate Major Reunions every 5 years
The PNAA also supports a cappella singing at Princeton and beyond through The 1941 Fund (please note in memo field that donations are for the Princeton Nassoons Endowment) and acts as a bridge between
past, present, and future
generations of Nassoons to remind that us that we will always be Brothers In Song.