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Scott's Thoughts


By Scott Watson '74

It’s been a challenging year for all of us who love close harmony singing and the Princeton Nassoons. The undergraduate group has faced unprecedented challenges, as summarized by Sean Crites ’22 in a nearby column. Our much awaited on-campus 80th Reunion originally scheduled for April of this year had to be postponed, and scheduled 2020 mini-reunions by the late ‘50s-early ‘60s and the ‘60s-early ‘70s reunion groups had to be cancelled. But vaccinations are happening at a quickening pace and life is beginning to come back to some semblance of normal. Princeton will likely open up for on-campus learning in the fall. The Nassoons eagerly look forward to holding tryouts in September and returning to an active schedule in the 2021-22 school year. The late ‘50s-early ‘60s reunion group has committed to holding a reunion in Florida in November, and the ‘60s-early ‘70s era ‘Soons are looking forward to a gathering, likely in Boston, in the spring of 2022. Planning efforts for our delayed 80th reunion are in full swing. We’ll be back together…soon!

The PNAA Board has continued to meet on its regular schedule, and you’ll be hearing more of some of our initiatives in future issues of Nassoon Notes.

John Whelchel ‘15, editor of Notes for the past three years, has informed us that he will be stepping down from that role. We are indebted to John for his fine efforts these past few years. We are grateful that Alistair Glidden '16 has agreed to step in for John and take the reins of Notes for the next year or two while he is in graduate school. John will help Alistair in that transition. Roger Bates ’67, the longstanding former editor of Notes, agreed to fill in on a temporary basis by assembling the Spring 2021 issue that you are now reading. Thanks so much, Roger.

The 2021 Nassoon Reunion, which in the best of all possible worlds would have taken place on Friday, May 21st at Colonial Club, will still happen, but via virtual media, using a program called Remo. The host will be Doug Roberts ‘96. As was the case last year, part of the evening will be devoted to the Princeton Nassoons Alumni Association's bylaws-mandated annual meeting, and the rest will be for informal gathering and the presentation of a few pre-recorded music videos for all of us to enjoy. If any of you have any MP3 files or videos of Nassoon alumni performing during the past year, please send them to Doug so he can consider including them in the May 21 festivities. His email address is You will be sent a link to the meeting in a few weeks, and I hope you will join us for a fun-filled evening of Nassoonery.

The 80th Reunion of the Princeton Nassoons, which would have taken place sometime in April, is still on hold until the University is able once again to open bookings for on-campus events. Consideration is now being given to holding the reunion sooner than later in Princeton, but off campus…later this year or early in 2022. Tony Tsai ’95 and Chris Brownell ’13 are in charge of this event and you’ll be hearing from them when they have more to report—hopefully soon.

To each and every one of you…Semper Fraternitas Cantusque!

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